I'm not perfect no one is. I have flaws just like everyone else. Perfection is an expectation no one will ever meet. I'm not here to impress anyone. Frankly i could care less what you think about me, You have to earn my trust i wont just hand it to you. I can be serious when i need to be but i can be silly too:) There are some things that could be better but I accept them. I try to avoid bullshit so take your drama somewhere else, i have enough of my own. I don't talk shit. I talk the truth. I try and hide my feelings and emotions because i don't want your pity. I'm one of the sweetest girls you could ever meet until you give me a reason not to be. I'm super caring. I hold the few people I truly love close and I would never purposely hurt them. I’m not that big on second chances, if you’ve screwed up or hurt me once I’ll most likely take you out of my life all together. I only give second chances to the people that deserve them or just someone I really don’t want to loose. Love and Hate are both very strong words. And dont tell me them unless you really mean it. Im eighteen. I do believe in god. I accept everyone. And i try not to judge you by your appearance. I have BIG dreams. and one day you'll see my name in lights. I want to be successful<3